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31 Movie Reviews

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Good Job man!

fuck the guy beforme me, this had some awesome animation in it, it was extreamly random and pointless, but the animation was nice and smooth..thumbs up to ya


due to alot of peoples reviews, im starting development on an actual movie (with a plot) instead of just a little skit like this, starring paper mario. thanks for the suport, guys. :)

Please dont

GrimJuju responds:

Job: (Bad) Flash Creator
at least you have the courage to admit it. :P

mad emany times before

this is a fun gamer and all, but it has been made so many times before that it is just plain boring and your not the first to put the earth twist on it either


dude, that was so frikin insanly great, you are definatly going to get some sort or award for this, mabey even daily feature, and if you dont get that, you defnalty deserve it, you should keep making flash...lots more flash

i dont love daily toons

why do these keep passing judgment?

TheStarSyndicate responds:

some others do love them <3

good idea

i think your the first to make a spongebob matrix...but you could have made it much better...one big thing is that you need to make the voice mapping much much better...his mouth was just getting bigger and shrinking...i didnt look like he was actually talking...but if you make this look better and more real, then next time it will definatly get a higher rating

DossMan01 responds:

yeah I know. But the thing was is that I had just done all of that and I wasn't willing to make more and I figured it's long enough so I sent it.
stupid eh.

poland has aghetto?

it does? i never would have know that if it werent for you

ryer responds:

during WWII. Poland was one of the first places to force Jews into ghettos!

dont use sprites

people will forever hate you if you do, althow, this is definatly one of the better sprite movies out there...just add sound

albert402 responds:

Yeah I know so after I make a better movie (adding sounds, more backgrounds etc.) I will start on real flash.

Thanks for the warnings on sprties :)


the movie sucked...it was pointles and the clown clock was so disturbing


the idea was very unorginal...and the aimation wasnt anything spectactualar, but for what it was, you put it together pretty good

Moonhog responds:


I HATE YOU ALL!!!!!! you all like cartoon porn and that is disturbing and wrong...GO GET A GIRLFRIEND AND LOOK AT HER INSTEAD!!!

Age 36, Male

(Bad) Flash Creator

I Hate It!!

The Down

Joined on 10/23/04

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